Have you ever wanted to travel the world on your company’s dime? Ever dreamed about opening a party bus company in a city filled with the largest amount of bachelor & bachelorette parties in the country? Ever
wanted to go out on a boat and go tubing in the middle of the night during the onset of a major hurricane? Okay, maybe not that last one, but our guest this week, Josh Catigano a.k.a. THE FUN FUNDER, has done it all.
The Mortgage Industry is an interesting place. Since jumping into this field head on, I’ve met all kinds of people with all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of stories, and all kinds of strengths and weaknesses. One of Josh’s many strengths is that he’s the epitome of a “people-person.” Josh is an extremely successful Loan Officer and a lot of that success comes from his ability to sit down with potential clients or partners (or hit the golf course with them) and immediately become their best friend.
Josh has a face that people constantly ask him “Do I know you? Have we met before” and he insists that it’s because he’s moved around so much in his early life that he’s convinced he’s met everyone at some point. Or maybe it’s his effortless way of conversation; people instantly feel that they’ve known him their whole life. This is a key trait for Loan Officers who are helping people take a HUGE step in their lives. The ability to make someone you barely know feel comfortable and reassured that you have their best interests in mind (and he truly does) is an immeasurable asset in this industry.
Josh has an incredibly interesting and unorthodox story, and we dive into the meat of it on this week’s episode. Come join us for another Effortless Conversation on Spotify, iTunes or SoundCloud.